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Table 2 Pharmacists experience with corticosteroids (n = 174)

From: An evaluation of pharmacists’ general attitudes, knowledge, and phobias regarding medications that include corticosteroids: a cross-sectional study


n (%)

Have you ever dispensed corticosteroids for any reason?



91 (52.3)


65 (37.4)


18 (10.3)

The dosage form of corticosteroids you have dispensed$


 Topical (e.g., cream or ointment)

84 (92.3)

 Inhaler or nebulizer

65 (71.4)


62 (68.1)


75 (82.4)

 Drops (e.g., eye drops)

65 (71.4)

The indication for corticosteroid you have dispense$


 Respiratory disease (e.g., Asthma, COPD)

79 (86.8)


52 (57.1)

 Dermatological disease (e.g., eczema)

84 (92.3)

 Joint or rheumatological diseases

59 (64.8)

 GIT immunological diseases (e.g., Crohn’s disease)

38 (41.8)

 Systemic immunological disorders (e.g., Multiple Sclerosis)

42 (4.2)

Did you ever experience any of the following side effects with your patients? $


 Increased appetite – potentially leading to weight gain.

62 (68.1)


27 (29.7)

 Thinned skin that bruises easily

48 (52.7)

 Increased risk of infections

35 (38.5)

 Mood changes, mood swings, and depression

42 (46.2)


58 (63.7)

 High blood pressure

43 (47.3)

 Osteoporosis (weak and brittle bones)

43 (47.3)

  1. $ Percentages calculated out of 91, hence, more than one answer was allowed