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Table 3 Decrease in minimum plasma glucose levels

From: Risk of hypoglycemia associated with repaglinide combined with clopidogrel, a retrospective cohort study

Minimum plasma glucose

Repaglinide and clopidogrel group

Mitiglinide and clopidogrel group

Repaglinide group

(N = 15)

(N = 15)

(N = 15)

Before starting glinide

145.2 ± 42.9

133.5 ± 33.5

113.6 ± 23.5

After starting glinide

93.3 ± 36.3

131.4 ± 42.9

98.1 ± 21.8

Decrease in minimum levels

51.9 ± 47.5 *

2.1 ± 29.1

15.5 ± 20.0

  1. Mean ± S.D., * p < 0.05 for the “repaglinide and clopidogrel group” versus the “mitiglinide and clopidogrel group”, and the “repaglinide and clopidogrel group” versus the “repaglinide group”