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Table 1 Locomotive syndrome clinical decision limits

From: Comparative trial of the effects of continuous locomotion training provided at pharmacies: a pilot study


Stage 1

Stage 2

Stand-up test score

≥ 3 and < 5

<  3

Two-step test score

≥ 1.1 and < 1.3

<  1.1

25-question GLFS

≥ 7 and < 16

≥ 17

  1. Stand-up test score is expressed as the height of the lowest stool from which the subject was able to stand-up: all failed = 0, 40 cm with both legs = 1, 30 cm with both legs = 2, 20 cm with both legs = 3, 10 cm with both legs = 4, 40 cm with a single-leg = 5, 30 cm with a single-leg = 6, 20 cm with a single-leg = 7, and 10 cm with a single-leg = 8. Two-step test score was calculated by normalising the maximal length of two steps taken by the participant by his/her height; 25-question GLFS 25-question geriatric locomotive function scale